Conference Talks
- Malé P-JG, Turner KM, Doha M, Anreiter I, Allen AM, Sokolowski MB, Frederickson ME (2017) An ant-plant mutualism through the lens of cGMP-dependent kinase genes. Animal Behavior Society, Toronto (ON), Canada
- Malé P-JG (2014) Evolutionary stability of mutualisms and control mechanisms: insights from ant-plant relationships. Atwood Colloquium in Ecology and Evolution, Toronto (ON), Canada
- Malé P-JG (2012) Construire des pedigrees dans sa cuisine : retour d’expérience. Annual meeting of the French Research Network “Quantitative Genetics”, Toulouse, France
- Lauth J, Leroy C, Malé P-JG, Petitclerc F, Dejean A, Orivel J (2012) Development of non-food agriculture in ants through the vertical transmission of a fungal symbiont. International Symbiosis Society Congress, Kraków, Poland
- Lauth J, Malé P-JG, Leroy C, Roux O, Dejean A, Orivel J (2012) A mutualistic community of ants, plant and fungi: how a third partner affects plant biotic protection by ants. Joint Meeting of ATBC & Society for Tropical Ecology, Bonito, Brazil
- Malé P-JG, Leroy C, Dejean A, Quilichini A, Orivel J (2011) Le rôle du mode de transmission d’une association dans la résolution des conflits entre partenaires : le cas d’une relation plante-fourmis. Biology and Population Genetics Symposium “Le Petit Pois Déridé”, Toulouse, France
- Malé P-JG, Leroy C, Dejean A, Quilichini A, Orivel J (2011) The importance of sanctions and transmission mode in conflicts resolution: insights from an ant-plant mutualism. ESEB 13th Congress, Tübingen, Germany
- Malé P-JG, Leroy C, Dejean A, Quilichini A, Orivel J (2010) The importance of sanctions and transmission mode in conflicts resolution: insights from an ant-plant mutualism. Final Conference of the EUROCORES programme, Budapest, Hungary
- Malé P-JG, Leroy C, Dejean A, Quilichini A, Orivel J (2010) Evolutionary conflicts and sanctions between a neotropical ant and its host plant. IUSSI 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Malé P-JG, Leroy C, Dejean A, Quilichini A, Orivel J (2010) Evolutionary conflicts and sanctions between a neotropical ant and its host plant. Evolution 2010, Portland (OR), USA
- Malé P-JG, Gibert A, Casquet J (2009) Démythification des savoirs : les enjeux de la vulgarisation dès l’université. French Ecological Society Day, Paris, France
- Malé P-JG, Leroy C, Decombeix I, Hornoy B, Orivel J, Quilichini A (2009) Caractérisation et résolution de conflits évolutifs entre mutualistes obligatoires : Exemple d’une relation myrmécophyte. SEVAB Graduate School Day, Castanet Tolosan, France
- Leroy C, Malé P-JG, Quilichini A, Ruiz-Gonzalez MX, Dejean A & Orivel J (2009) Ecology and maintenance of a novel tripartite mutualistic association. Joint Meeting of ATBC & Society for Tropical Ecology, Marburg, Germany
- Malé P-JG, Leroy C, Decombeix I, Hornoy B, Orivel J, Quilichini A (2009) Système de reproduction et structuration génétique des populations de la plante myrmécophyte Hirtella physophora. Biology and Population Genetics Symposium “Le Petit Pois Déridé”, Grenoble, France
- Charbonnel N, Galan M, Bryja J, Deter J, Malé P-J, Guivier E, Chaval Y, Deffontaine V, Michaux J, Moran S, Cosson JF (2008) Immunogenetics and hantaviruses: From genes to the assessment of emergence risk. Leibniz-Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research Congress, Berlin, Germany
- Charbonnel N, Galan M, Bryja J, Deter J, Malé P-J, Guivier E, Chaval Y, Deffontaine V, Michaux J, Moran S, Cosson JF (2008) Immunogenetics and hantaviruses: From genes to the assessment of emergence risk. EDEN Project annual meeting, Brno, Czech Republic
- Orivel J, Lambs L, Grangier J, Leroy C, Otto T, Malé P-J & Dejean A (2008) Dynamics of the association between a long-lived understory myrmecophyte and its specific associated ants. 4th European Meeting of IUSSI, La Roche en Ardenne, Belgium
- Grangier J, Dejean A, Malé P-J, Orivel J (2007) La défense biotique des myrmécophytes est-elle toujours optimale ? French Meeting of IUSSI, Toulouse, France
- Malé P-JG, Charbonnel N (2007) Histoire phylogéographique et Sélection balance : quelle origine pour le polymorphisme des gènes du CMH chez le campagnol roussâtre ? Biology and Population Genetics Symposium “Le Petit Pois Déridé”, Poitiers, France
- Malé P-JG, Turner K, Anreiter I, Allen A, Doha M, Sokolowski M, Frederickson M (2016) How to be an effective ant bodyguard? A candidate gene approach. Evolution 2016, Austin (TX), USA
- Malé P-JG, Bardon L, Besnard G, Coissac E, Delsuc F, Engel J, Scotti-Saintagne C, Tinaut A, Chave J (2013) Genome skimming by shotgun sequencing helps resolve the phylogenetic tree of a pantropical tree family. ESEB 14th Congress, Lisbon, Portugal
- Malé P-JG, Chave J (2012) Using Next-Gen Sequencing to resolve the phylogeny of a tropical tree family. Evolution 2012, Ottawa (ON), Canada
- Quilichini A, Leroy C, Malé P-JG (2009) Floral biology and pollination of Hirtella physophora (Chrysobalanaceae) in French Guiana. International conference “Knowledge-based management of tropical rainforests”, Cayenne, French Gyuiana
- Malé P-JG, Leroy C, Orivel J, Quilichini A (2009) Evolutionary conflicts between a neotropical ant and its host-plant. ESEB 12th Congress, Torino, Italy
Invited seminars
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology (Germany)
Eric Cosio’s group, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Peru)
Marla Sokolowski’s group, University of Toronto (Canada)
Megan Frederickson’s group, University of Toronto (Canada)
Naomi Pierce’s group, University of Harvard (USA)
Christoph Vorburger’s group, University of Zurich (Switzerland)
Dieter Ebert’s group, University of Basel (Switzerland)
Molecular Biology and Microbiology Commission, Evolutionary & Biological Diversity, Toulouse (France)