Research Grants


  • Putnam expedition grant (2017)

$10,000 awarded by the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard

  • Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – International Outgoing Fellowship (2016)

€250,000 to conduct research at Harvard University (USA) and the Max Planck Institute (Germany)

  • Nouragues research grant (2008)

€2,000 awarded by the CNRS and Nouragues Research Station (French Guiana)

  • PhD supported by a scholarship (2007-2011)

€60,000 awarded by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research


Travel Grants


  • Society for the Study of Evolution grant (2011)

to attend the 13th ESEB congress (Tübingen, Germany)

  • European Society for Evolutionary Biology grant (2010)

to attend the Evolution 2010 congress (Portland, Oregon USA)

  • International Union for the Study of Social Insects grant (2010)

to attend the IUSSI 2010 international congress (Copenhagen, Denmark)

  • French Ecological Society grant (2009)

to attend the 12th ESEB congress (Torino, Italy)




  • Best PhD award – Academy of Sciences of Toulouse (2013)

in the category “Life and Earth Sciences”

  • Best talk award – SEVAB Grad School (2009)

at the SEVAB Grad School Day