Chrysobalanaceae biogeography paper accepted for publication!

The manuscript about the history of the Chrysobalanaceae family has been accepted for publication in the American Journal of Botany. This study unravels the phylogenetic and phylogeographic origin and history of this fascinating pantropical tree family. One of the most striking discoveries is the single migration event that occured 28 Ma ago and gave rise to the incredible Neotropical diversity!
This article is a result of a collaboration with Jérôme Chave, Léa Bardon, Jérôme Murienne, Ghillean Prance, Cynthia Sothers, Charles C Davis, Zhenxiang Xi, Roosevelt García-Villacorta, Sébastien Lavergne and Eric Coissac. Its publication rewards the hard work started during my first post-doc at the “Evolution & Diversité Biologique” lab, in Toulouse (France).
It is titled “Unraveling the biogeographical history of Chrysobalanaceae from plastid genomes” and will hopefully be online soon.